Romantic Things to Do in Krakow – Perfect Places for Couples

Let me say, Krakow has a lot to offer when it comes to romantic things to do. Can you think of a better way to spend a date than exploring a city overflowing with love? This city, Krakow, is brimming with romantic spots just waiting to be discovered. Imagine yourself walking hand in hand with your special someone across the enchanting Father Bernatek footbridge or dining in a restaurant aboard a ship. Picture strolling through a botanical garden or gazing out from the Kosciuszko Mound. The countless cozy cafes spread all over the city also make for a perfect getaway.

If you want a spontaneous weekend trip with your significant other, Krakow could be your ideal choice.

Father Bernatek Footbridge – Krakow’s Romantic Spot

Father Bernatek Footbridge

Let’s talk about the Father Bernatek footbridge. It’s a must-visit, being one of the most romantic spots in Krakow. This footbridge, dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists, arches over the Vistula river and connects Kazimierz with Podgórze. It’s built where the old Podgórski Bridge once stood. Here’s a secret: you can etch your initials on a padlock, secure it to the bridge, and throw the key into the river. According to tradition, this guarantees your love will last forever.

As a result, you can see numerous padlocks hanging on the bridge, each with its own love story. If you’re there, I think you need to know that everyone who hangs a lock believes it will bring them luck in love. Isn’t that beautiful?

↳ Make sure to read my guide to the most amazing places to stay in Kraków:
How to Find Best Place to Stay in Krakow Old Town – Your Guide

Krakow’s Night-Time Romantic Cruise

Krakow’s Night-Time Romantic Cruise

When you’re in Krakow as a couple, why not take a romantic dinner cruise on the Vistula? I can tell you that it’s not just about the delicious food or the appealing scenery, but also about the privacy and magical ambiance it offers.

As the ship glides along the Vistula, you can witness the city’s stunning monuments from a unique perspective. And if you’re looking for something even more special, let me tell you, night cruises in Krakow don’t just happen on ordinary ships. Picture this: floating on the serene waters in a quaint gondola under a starry sky. Now that’s something worth experiencing, wouldn’t you agree?

Krakow’s Romantic Viewpoints to Visit

Did you know Krakow also has a wealth of scenic viewpoints? I can tell you, these spots are perfect for a romantic rendezvous, especially as the evening dawns. With the city awash in different hues and vibrant life, the ambiance is simply magical. Top picks for these viewpoints include the Town Hall Tower, Sigismund Tower, Wawel Castle, Pilsudski Mound, Przegorzały Castle, and the Krakus Mound. Each viewpoint offers a unique perspective of the city, sure to leave you and your partner breathless.

If you are interested in the most scenic Krakow’s viewpoints, you will find them in the other article.

Kosciuszko Mound – The Lovers’ Hill

Romantic View From Kosciuszko Mound

Speaking of viewpoints, another must-visit place is the Kosciuszko Mound. For every visitor to Krakow, this spot is a non-negotiable. Located in the picturesque Zwierzyniec district, on St. Bronisława’s Mountain, this mound sees many young couples selecting it as their backdrop for romantic wedding photos.

Being there, you need to know that the top of the mound presents a stunning panorama of Krakow and the Beskid Żywiecki. You can see iconic places like Krakow’s Main Market Square, Cloth Hall, Wawel Royal Castle, St. Mary’s Basilica. I think it is worth mentioning that the entrance ticket to the mound also grants you access to all available exhibitions in the fort.

Romantic Walk Through Jagiellonian University Botanical Garden

Botanical Garder in Krakow is a great idea for a romantic day

Let me say, the Krakow Botanical Garden is a treasure trove of lush greenery, an array of greenhouses, and informative museum exhibitions. It’s an idyllic place for a romantic stroll. Nestled within the garden is the Botanical Garden Museum.

This place is famous for its precious collections that reflect the academic and scientific pursuits of the Jagiellonian University. What’s more, its quaint interior design makes it a staple on the tourist map of Krakow. I believe, there’s something enchanting about this garden, especially during spring. But it is worth to say that its beauty can be appreciated all year round.

Get Cozy in Krakow’s Restaurants and Cafes

Krakow’s Restaurants are perfect for a romantic dinner

As you walk down the city streets, I know you will be tempted to take a break in one of the many charming cafes. Imagine you and your partner relaxng in a peaceful and intimate setting, savoring a moment of tranquility. The Old Town is packed with a wide range of restaurants, cafes, and pubs, perfect for your romantic escapades.

But there’s more! There are a handful of restaurants in Krakow perched on top of tall buildings. Dining in one of these places is not only about savoring delicious food, but also about admiring the stunning city panorama. Now, isn’t that something worth checking out?

Mehoffer’s Garden – The Romantic Oasis

Have you always been drawn to gardens? If so, let me tell you about a place you can’t miss: Mehoffer’s Garden. Nestled in the heart of Krupnicza Street, adjacent to the Mehoffer House, it is lauded as one of Krakow’s most beautiful spots.

Designed by the artist Mehoffer himself, he sculpted this place into a verdant oasis amidst the city’s tenement houses. You’ll feel the vibrant spirit of the Young Polish movement right here!

Wild Adventure – Trip to the Zoo

Believe it or not, the Municipal Park and Zoological Garden in Krakow welcomes visitors throughout the year. Tucked away in the serene heart of the Wolski Forest, it offers a respite from the city’s hustle and bustle. Imagine being there, you get to watch a multitude of animal species in their natural habitat. Now, that’s a date to remember!

Bike Ride to Tyniec – A Romantic Date with Nature

Romantic Bike Ride is a great way for spending time together in Kraków

Here’s an interesting fact: this year, the bike route to Tyniec is setting new records according to the city’s bicycle traffic measurement points. All you need to do is either own or rent a couple of bikes, and off you go on a leisrely ride. Plus, the route along the Vistula offers stunning vistas that will make your journey even more enjoyable.

Romantic Plane Watching in Balice Airport

Plane Watching in Balice Airport

This activity might be more suitable for warmer months, but it’s a fantastic idea. Pack a blanket, find a secluded spot, and gaze up at the sky. Try guessing the destinations of the planes flying overhead, and let your conversations wander towards travel and new experiences.

Where to watch the planes in Balice Airport? A popular vantage point for viewing Krakow’s Balice Airport is located on Spacerowa Street. This is the famous „spotter’s hill.” From its top you can enjoy a view of the airport and runways. Planes approaching for landing or taking off fly almost over the heads of those watching.

Beach Vibe at Bagry Lagoon

Bagry Near Kraków

Who says you need to wait for summer to enjoy a beach day? At Bagry Lagoon, you’ll find well-maintained beaches that welcome visitors all year round. How about adding a dash of color to your life by doing something out of the ordinary? Just grab your sun loungers and sunglasses and head to the beach. Trust me, this will be a date you won’t forget.

